How to glue an air mattress

Many people have already appreciated such a useful and versatile product as an air mattress. Indeed, with this unique subject, outdoor recreation will become much more comfortable, and there is no need to talk about how it will become an indispensable product in case of unexpected guests.

However, with all the positive characteristics, an air mattress has one significant drawback - the very weak strength of the material from which it is made. Therefore, very often the product lends itself to minor damage, or simply to say, holes appear through which air escapes, as a result of which the mattress loses its functional qualities.

How to glue an air mattress at home

After a gap was discovered in an air mattress, they usually begin to glue it.

However, in order for this process to be very effective, it is necessary in advance prepare the following materials and tools:

  • felt-tip pen or marker;
  • high-quality glue;
  • patches
  • acetone or other disinfecting liquid;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue brush;
  • scissors.

In this situation, you need to carefully approach the right choice of glue, which is a functional element in the process of sealing punctures of an air mattress.

As a rule, a special kit consisting of glue and patches is always included with the purchased inflatable product. But if such a repair kit was not at hand, then you should adhere to the following glue recommendations:

  • from a wide range you can choose any brand of glue, but only it is desirable that it has the same properties as the surfaces to be bonded;
  • the best option is to use the well-known glue "moment", with which you can glue any materials, including patches with an inflatable product.

Attention! Very important! In order to eliminate holes in the air mattress, the so-called "Super glue" should not be used in any way, since it contains components that can render the product unusable!

As for patchesthen they are usually can be made of thin rubberfor example from an old bicycle camera or a children's toy.

It is important to know! The patch size must be larger than the puncture area!

Procedure for eliminating punctures

When the place of the hole is found, the glue is correctly selected and the patches are cut, then you can immediately proceed to eliminate the problem defect on the air mattress.

All puncture sealing process consists of the following sequential actions:

  • completely remove air from the inflatable product;
  • select a solid horizontal surface for repair, and level the place of the treated area on it;

Advice! If you are shy in conditions, then under the puncture site you can put an even wooden board!

  • with fine sandpaper they carefully clean the bonded surface of the patch and the puncture site on the mattress;
  • protected surfaces are degreased with acetone or solvent;
  • a thin layer of glue is applied to the prepared places and left for 10-15 minutes;

What can be the cause of punctures of an air mattress?

Here are a few of the following factors:

  • excessive inflation leads to the fact that the seams and internal ribs of the product may diverge;
  • next to the mattress there may be some sharp household items, contact with which, as a rule, leads to the appearance of holes;
  • pets they can also render the air mattress unusable, since very often objects that are around bite and scratch.

In this situation, it is absolutely logical to admit the conclusion that sooner or later the owners of air mattresses will encounter a situation when they have to do the repair of the product with their own hands, in other words, glue it. And here before the layman a number of the following questions arise:

  • How to detect a puncture in a mattress?
  • What glue and patches are better to use?
  • What tools should be used when gluing the product?
  • In what sequence of actions should the mattress be glued?

Walking towards the owners of products of this kind, in this article we will give comprehensive answers to the questions posed, as well as give many tips and recommendations regarding the repair and sealing of air mattresses.

Methods for identifying punctures

In order to find a hole on the surface of an air mattress, the following most practical methods exist:

Dipping the product in water

This option applicable only when the air mattress is small. To do this, the product is pumped and immersed in water, while very carefully observing the appearance of bubbles, which clearly signal the puncture site.

A detected hole is usually marked with a felt-tip pen.

An important point! Having found a puncture, do not immediately remove the product from the water, as there is a possibility that there may be much smaller holes nearby!

Using soap suds

it quite effective method for detecting holes in an air mattress, the essence of which is as follows:

  • soap whips into a thick foam;
  • a foam sponge or brush is applied to the resulting solution on the product;
  • the appearance of bubbles on the surface will be evidence of a puncture site.

Advice! Instead of soap, you can use any detergent that whips perfectly into the foam!

Identification of a puncture from the inside

This method of detecting holes in an air mattress is considered the most troublesome, but at the same time, it is considered one of the most effective ways. Its essence lies in the following sequential actions:

  • 5-7 liters of soapy water are prepared;
  • the specified volume of fluid through the neck is poured into the mattress;
  • with the help of a pump, the product is pumped up and the top is turned upside down;
  • excessive pressure is created inside, and water will begin to flow at the puncture site.


Unlike the previous two methods, this way of detecting small holes is considered “dry”, and its essence is as follows:

  • any dry substance, that is, flour, starch, dry mustard, gently disperses on the surface of the product;
  • a jet of air emanating from a puncture will raise a light powder;
  • after detecting a hole in the air mattress, the powdery substance can be collected using a vacuum cleaner.

Recommendation! This method is most effective in detecting punctures on the velor surface of an air mattress!

A pet

A fairly original way to detect holes in the mattress. A cat can not only damage the product, but also find a puncture due to excellent hearing and smell, as well as curiosity. (The advice is comic; in practice, pets were not used in the repair of air mattresses)

Use of fire

This method involves the use of ordinary matches or lighters. In other words, in the place of the alleged hole, the flame will be slightly blown out by an outgoing stream of air.

Adhesive for air mattresses

  1. Do not use more glue - this does not improve the quality of bonding!
  2. The action of the glue can be accelerated with a hairdryer by directing a stream of hot air to the place to be treated, however, care must be taken not to overdry it!
  • a thin layer of glue is re-applied to the treated surfaces, and they are pressed together;
  • You can fix the pressing with the help of a load.

Advice! To prevent the processing site from sticking to the load, you can put a piece of plastic film between them!

After the glue dries, the air mattress is ready for use again.

Some unusual situations

The above-described process of removing holes in an air mattress is only suitable for flat surfaces of the mattress. But in the process of sticking punctures, various non-standard situations can arise, which include the following:

Air escapes from under the air mattress valve

In this case, you must perform the following procedure:

  • remove the rubber gasket of the valve;
  • clean it with sandpaper and degrease with acetone;
  • apply a thin layer of silicone;
  • put the gasket back in place.

A puncture occurred on the velor surface of the mattress

To glue a hole on such a surface, you must perform the following procedure:

  • thoroughly treat the puncture site with acetone or nail polish remover (this makes it possible to significantly soften the glue base holding the pile);
  • scrape off the pile with a blunt objectso as not to damage the surface of the product;
  • the cleaned surface is re-treated with acetone;
  • otherwise, the gluing process is carried out according to the above standard scheme.

but worth understandingthat applying a patch on a velor surface significantly spoils the external decorative appearance of an air mattress.

How to glue an air mattress on the velor side

It turns out that there is another way to glue punctures on the velor surface, although it is quite laborious. But its essence is as follows:

  • a section of the product with a puncture, through the neck of the valve, is turned inside out;
  • apply a patch by the standard method;
  • left in this position for 12 hours to allow the glue to dry;
  • in reverse order, the product is turned back.

Common mistakes when sealing mattress punctures

Trying to quickly seal a gap in the air mattress with a patch, a lot of people make a number of mistakes, which in the end, can lead to its final damage. In order to prevent the development of such a situation, first of all, the following series of typical errors is needed:

  • the wrong type of glue is selected;
  • the puncture site is not properly processed, as a result of which air from the product continues to escape;
  • too much glue applied;
  • the treated place is not pressed by the load;
  • the patch is not made of the right material.

Advice! If you are not sure that you can glue the gap in the air mattress with your own hands, then it is better to contact specialized centers, or in extreme circumstances - contact the nearest car service!

In conclusion, I would like to note the following: if you adhere to all the tips and recommendations specified in the article, then you can easily seal a puncture on an air mattress at home!

Watch the video: How to Patch an Air Mattress Hole (April 2024).

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